Casting Simulation Open Source


SOLIDCast - Casting Simulation Software. SOLIDCast Casting Simulation software is the world’s most popular pc-based solidification modeling system and cast design software used in the casting industry.SOLIDCast is developed after analyzing and focusing on the real time issues & problems when designing and making solid casts. In 3D computer graphics, ray tracing is a rendering technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects. The technique is capable of producing a high degree of visual realism, more so than typical scanline rendering methods, but at a greater computational cost.

Open Source Network Simulator lots of open source network simulators are available from that ns-3 is one of the efficient and moderate open source network simulator.


In ns3 waf play vital role.

  • Waf is a general purpose build system in ns-3.
  • This is used for configure, compile and install purposes.
  • It’s based upon the python languages.
  • Instead of using ./configure; make type ./waf in ns3.
  • waf not only builds ns–3 , it can be used to run example programs.

Uses of helpers in Ns3:

Metal Casting Simulation

  • it’s used to allows for quick scenario/topology construction.
  • entities are not directly manipulated by the user one by one.
  • overlay API which allows manipulating these in groups.

Functionalities of Tracing in ns3:

  • lowest level functionalities are:
  • a queue drops a packet.
  • NetDevice receives a frame.
  • TCP congestion window changes.
  • Random sending application sends a packet etc.
  • This allows simulation writers access to exactly the interesting simulation info.
  • Use primary methods of data collection for analysis.
  • Use “hook” to generate PCAP output, collect statistics and results etc.
  • Uses a namespace resembling operating system paths to connect a callback to an event

Casting Simulation Open Source File

For example,

Metal Casting Simulation Software List
