Star Wars Rpg Destiny Points


  • 1Destinies

Star Wars: Force and Destiny “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things, it surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.” –Obi-Wan Kenobi. Experience the power of the Force in the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game! As a Force-sensitive outcast struggling. Rewards Points that can earn you things like Star Wars Campaign Cards, usable in this campaign or any other RPGA Star Wars RPG campaign. If you’re the gamemaster (GM) and you have an RPGA number, sanctioning each adventure for RPGA play is easy – simply become a Herald-level GM by taking the test online at Force and Destiny. Star Wars Force and Destiny Core Rulebook; Class Books. Keeping the Peace - Sourcebook for Guardians. Adds two new lightsabers types and some new crystals, as well as a whole lot of other useful Jedi armour and gear. Adds rules for armor crafting too. Endless Vigil - Rules for Sentinels. Adds guides and extra rules for.


Additional destinies that were originally developed in a thread in the d20 Forum[1]


Your character is destined to betray the person or cause he cares the most deeply about.

Destiny Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls for 24 hours

Destiny Penalty: You take a -1 penalty to all defenses for 24 hours

Destiny Fulfilled: Increase two ability scores by +1 each.


You are destined to create something that will have an impact on the future of the Galaxy. It could be a weapon, a relic such as a holocron, or even a person.Examples include Qwi Xux and Tol Sivron building the Death Star, or Padme Amidala giving birth to Luke and Leia.

Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies within 10 squares of you gain a +1 destiny bonus to all defenses (Reflex, Fortitude, and Will).

Destiny Penalty: For 24 hours, you take a -1 destiny penalty to your defenses (Reflex, Fortitude, and Will).

Destiny Fufilled: Increase two ability scores of your choice by +1 each.


Your destiny is to create a new society; this could be a force tradition, a new criminal organization, or even colonize a newly discovered planet.

Destiny Bonus: For the next 24 hours, you and any allies within 10 squares of you gain an extra +2 bonus when using the Aid Another maneuver, for a total of +4 when successfully aiding.

Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 penalty on all skill checks and ability checks for 24 hours.

Destiny Fulfilled: You gain the benefit of Skill Training or Skill Focus in one skill related to the society you have founded, or a +5 destiny bonus if the skill is already focused. Further, with the GM's approval, you can design a prestige class or talent tree related to your new society.

Heroic Self-Sacrifice

Your destiny is to stand in harms way, selflessly laying down your own life when the time is right so that one of your comrades can fulfill their destiny.

Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you gain DR2. This stacks with DR from other sources

Destiny Penalty: For 24 hours, enemies who hit you with melee or ranged attacks, or affect you with harmful Force abilities, recieve a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Destiny fulfilled: Your surviving allies each recieve a +2 bonus to their fortitude and will defense scores.

Heroic Self-Sacrifice (alternate version)

Your destiny is to stand in harms way, selflessly laying down your own life when the time is right so that one of your comrades can fulfill their destiny.

Destiny Bonus: For 48 hours, you gain DR2. This stacks with DR from other sources.

Destiny Penalty: For 12 hours, enemies who hit you with melee or ranged attacks, or affect you with harmful Force abilities, recieve a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Destiny fulfilled: The ally for whom you sacrificed yourself gains the benefit of the force Technique 'Force Renewal.' If they allready have access to the technique, they may gain another force point through it just as if they had selected it again. They do not need to meet any prerequisites or even be Force Sensitive in order to recieve this benefit.


Your destiny is to become the leader of an organization. It could be anything from a criminal syndicate to the Jedi Order to the Imperial Navy.Examples of this destiny include Princess Leia becoming the New Republic Chief of State and the rise of Darth Bane as the master of the Sith Order.

Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, all allies within 10 squares of you get a +1 destiny bonus to all skill and ability checks and attack rolls. You do not get this bonus.

Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 destiny penalty to all skill and ability checks for 24 hours.

Destiny Fulfilled: You gain a permanent +5 destiny bonus on checks made with one class skill of your choice.


You are destined to expose previously some unknown or hidden truth to the galaxy at large. The nature of this truth is fundamental and profound - it does not require rigorous dedication or tutelage. An example from a non-SW source would be Malcolm Reynolds letting the galaxy know what happened on Miranda, and the dark secret behind the Alliance and the Reaver's origin.

Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies involved or sympathetic to this desire for revelation gain a +1 bonus to all defense scores.

Destiny Penalty: You take a penalty of -1 to all defense scores for 24 hours.

Destiny Fulfilled: You immediately gain +1 extra Force point and the Skill Focus feat for the Knowledge skill that is most appropriate to the subject at hand. If you already have this bonus, you gain a permanent additional +5 destiny bonus to that Knowledge skill. In roleplaying terms, you will be recognized widely as the harbinger of this information


Your character's star is destined to be crossed with another's. Your destiny is to fall hopelessly, passionately, and possibly tragically in love with another person.

Destiny Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus on skill and ability checks for 24 hours

Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 penalty to your Will defense for 24 hours

Destiny Fulfilled: Increase all three defenses by +1. Additionally, you gain the benefit of the Harm's Way talent if you don't already have it, but it applies to your lover only.

Self Awareness

After a long search, you discover that there's more to your real identity than you were aware of... either you are either the inheritor some great fate, or your own past is not what it seems. You may have your memory restored, or you may learn that you have come from a more exalted heritage than you imagined. Examples from the canon include Corran Horn discovering his Jedi heritage, Darth Revan discovering the truth about himself, or the Exile learning of his own nature.

Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and your allies gain a +1 bonus to all skill checks and ability checks.

Destiny Penalty: For 24 hours, you take a -2 penalty to your Will defense.

Destiny Fulfilled: You immediately gain +1 extra Force point, a permanent +1 to an ability score, and a permanent +1 to your Will defense.


Star wars rpg destiny points

Your destiny is to be the point around which galatic events turn. Your decisions will shape the universe one way or another. Examples include: Anakin's role in 'bringing balance to the Force,' Grand Moff Tarkin's decision to destroy Alderaan (and thus shifting several star systems onto the side of the Rebellion), Talon Karrde's decision to choose a side in the conflict between the New Republic and Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Star Wars Rpg Pdf

Destiny Bonus: For the next 24 hours, you and any allies around you roll 1d8 when spending Force Points vs. the standard 1d6.

Destiny Penalty: You receive one fewer die when spending a Force Point. If you only have one die to spend, you do not gain any benefit from spending a Force Point for 24 hours.

Destiny Fulfilled: You gain a permanent +1 bonus to any one attribute as well as the 'Strong in the Force' or 'Force Boon' feat.

Alternate House Rules for Destinies

When choosing a destiny, you can come up with whatever you want, subject to GM approval. You are NOT limited to picking something that matches the list in the book.

If you have a destiny, you can spend a destiny point at any time to do one of the following:Automatically score a critical hit;Cause an attack to miss that would have hit you;Automatically succeed on a skill check;Cause someone else to fail a skill check that would have succeeded;Take damage that from an attack for another character in your reach;Gain 3 force points


Whenever you take steps to fulfill your destiny, you can choose one of the following benefits:You and all allies gain a +1 desiny bonus on skill and ability checks for 24 hours;You and all allies gain a +1 desiny bonus on attack rolls for 24 hours;You and all allies gain a +2 desiny bonus on damage rolls for 24 hours;You and all allies gain a +1 desiny bonus to all defense for 24 hours;You gain a force point

Whenever you move away fom your destiny, you will suffer one of the following penalties:You take a -2 penalty on skill and ability checks for 24 hours;You take a -1 penalty on attack rolls for 24 hours;You take a -2 penalty on damage rolls for 24 hours;You take a -1 penalty to all defense for 24 hours;You lose a force point

When you have fulfilled your destiny, you can choose one of the following permanent benefits:Increase two ability scores by +1, or one ability score by +2;Gain a permanent +1 destiny bonus to all defenses;Gain a permanent +5 destiny bonus to one skill of your choice;Gain 3 force points now, and 1 additional force point each level

Note that destiny bonuses do not stack.

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Star Wars
Roleplaying Game
Designer(s)Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins,[1]JD Wiker
Publisher(s)Wizards of the Coast
Publication date2000
2002 (Revised edition)
2007 (Saga Edition)
Genre(s)Science fiction (Space opera)
System(s)d20 System

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game is a d20 Systemroleplaying game set in the Star Wars universe. The game was written by Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins and J. D. Wiker and published by Wizards of the Coast in late 2000 and revised in 2002. In 2007, Wizards released the Saga Edition of the game, which made major changes in an effort to streamline the rules system.

The game covers three major eras coinciding with major events in the Star Wars universe, namely the Rise of the Empire, the Galactic Civil War, and the time of the New Jedi Order.

An earlier but unrelated Star Wars role-playing game was published by West End Games between 1987 and 1999. Bill Slavicsek was one of the designers of that former game as well.

This game from Wizards of the Coast is currently out of print. The current official Star Wars role-playing game is the game of same title published by Fantasy Flight Games.

Original and revised editions[edit]

The original Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game was originally published by West End Games as a d6 product, enjoying many years of play before WEG went bankrupt.

The d20 rebooted Star Wars Roleplaying Game originally came out around the time of the release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It included statistics for many of the major characters of that movie. The later Revised game included material from Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and changed various feats and classes.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game uses a Vitality/Wound point system instead of standard hit points, dividing damage into superficial harm (Vitality) and serious injury (Wounds). A character gains Vitality points just like hit points in other d20 games, and rolls for them each level and adds their Constitution bonus. A character's Wound points are equal to their Constitution score.

Most game mechanics are familiar to players of Dungeons & Dragons and other d20-based games. Characters have six Ability Scores (i.e., the standard Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma), a class and level, feats, and skills. Most actions are resolved by rolling a twenty-sided die and adding a modifier; if the result equals or exceeds the difficulty, the check succeeds.

Species and classes[edit]

As with most d20 System games, Star Wars offers playable races (called species) and classes to the Player Characters (PCs).

The species of Star Wars d20 that are included with the Revised Core Rulebook are: Humans, Bothans, Cereans, Duros, Ewoks, Gungans, Ithorians, Kel Dor, Mon Calamari, Quarren, Rodians, Sullustans, Trandoshans, Twi'leks, Wookiees, and Zabrak and the unusual option for d20 games, Droid (this is unusual because it allows you to create your own race to an extent, and also you are ruled - technically mastered - by another player).

The character classes are Fringer, Noble, Scoundrel, Soldier, Force Adept, Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, Scout, and Tech Specialist (added with the Revised Edition). Prestige classes allow advanced characters who wish to specialize in certain suites of abilities to join a class devoted to them. For example, Jedi with special talents at helping others can choose to specialize as a Jedi Healer, while a blaster-wielding mercenary might earn a reputation as a Bounty Hunter. The core rulebook includes the Jedi Master, Jedi Ace, Crime lord, Elite Trooper, Starship Ace, Officer, Darkside Marauder, and Darkside Devotee. Supplements to the core rulebook introduce many more prestige classes.

Saga edition changed things around and made Force Adept a prestige class.

Original and revised editions releases[edit]

The following books are available for the original edition.

Star Wars: Roleplaying Game Core RulebookNovember 2000288ISBN978-0-7869-1793-8
Character Record SheetsNovember 200032ISBN978-0-7869-1795-2
Invasion of TheedNovember 200096ISBN978-0-7869-1792-1
Secrets of NabooDecember 200096ISBN978-0-7869-1794-5
Gamemaster ScreenFebruary 20018ISBN978-0-7869-1833-1
Living Force Campaign GuideMarch 200164ISBN978-0-7869-1963-5
Rebellion Era SourcebookMay 2001160ISBN978-0-7869-1837-9
Secrets of TatooineMay 200196ISBN978-0-7869-1839-3
The Dark Side SourcebookAugust 2001160ISBN978-0-7869-1849-2
Alien AnthologyOctober 2001128ISBN978-0-7869-2663-3
Starships of the GalaxyDecember 200196ISBN978-0-7869-1859-1
The New Jedi Order SourcebookFebruary 2002160ISBN978-0-7869-2777-7
Tempest FeudMarch 2002128ISBN978-0-7869-2778-4

Star Wars Rpg Destiny Points Games

Star wars rpg destiny points cheat

The following books are available for the revised edition.

Star Wars: Roleplaying Game Revised Core RulebookMay 2002384ISBN978-0-7869-2876-7
Power of the Jedi SourcebookAugust 2002160ISBN978-0-7869-2781-4
Arms and Equipment GuideOctober 200296ISBN978-0-7869-2782-1
Coruscant and the Core WorldsJanuary 2003160ISBN978-0-7869-2879-8
Ultimate Alien AnthologyApril 2003224ISBN978-0-7869-2888-0
Hero's GuideJune 2003160ISBN978-0-7869-2883-5
Galactic Campaign GuideAugust 2003160ISBN978-0-7869-2892-7
Geonosis and the Outer Rim WorldsMarch 2004160ISBN978-0-7869-3133-0
Ultimate AdversariesJuly 2004160ISBN978-0-7869-3054-8

Saga Edition[edit]

Star Wars: Roleplaying Game - Saga Edition Core Rulebook
Star Wars: Roleplaying Game - Saga Edition Core Rulebook
Designer(s)Christopher Perkins, Owen K.C. Stephens, Rodney Thompson
Publisher(s)Wizards of the Coast
Publication dateJune 5, 2007
Genre(s)Science fiction (Space opera)
System(s)d20 System

Star Wars Rpg Online

On June 5, 2007, Wizards released Star Wars: Roleplaying Game - Saga Edition Core Rulebook. The game was streamlined to be easier to play and a greater emphasis was placed on miniatures. Some of the major changes include:

  • Standard hit points have replaced the former Wounds/Vitality system. Each character begins first level with three times their maximum hit die in hit points based on their class which is modified by the character's Constitution bonus. Jedi and Soldiers for instance, have a hit die of d10, and begin 1st level with 30 hit points + Con bonus. Characters then roll a hit die for additional hit points as they progress in level. Characters also have a Condition Track which measures how much they are currently impaired. If Damage from a single attack exceeds the damage threshold, the PC is moved down the condition track. Each level of the track enforces progressively worse penalties until the PC is knocked out. Further damage can kill the character.
  • The number of character classes have been reduced to five — Jedi, Noble, Scoundrel, Scout and Soldier. Each class progresses along 'character trees' similar to the d20 Modern system where characters are built with talents and feats. Jedi for instance, can follow talent paths such as Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, plus the new Jedi Sentinel and Lightsaber Combat talent trees. This allows for greater customization and more variety amongst characters of the same class. Prestige Classes are still available, but they each also have one or more talent trees.
  • Saving Throws have been changed to a series of 'Defenses'. Virtually all attacks and offensive powers now require a roll against one of three defenses — Reflex Defense, Fortitude Defense, or Will Defense. These Defenses are analogous to both Saving Throws and Armor Class (or Defense as in the previous system) in other d20 games.
  • Skill points have been eliminated. Characters have a number of 'trained' skills they can pick based on their class and Intelligence bonus. When a character makes a skill check, they roll a d20 and add half their character level + any other bonuses. If they roll for a trained skill they get a +5 bonus to the die roll, and certain applications of some skills cannot be attempted unless trained in the skill. Skills themselves have been simplified and integrated, with such skills as Deception covering the former skills of Bluff, Disguise, and Forgery. The Mechanics skill now encompasses Repair, Disable Device, and Demolitions (as well as crafting devices in the expansion books). Likewise, the new Perception skill combines the Spot, Search, Sense Motive, and Listen skills.
  • Force sensitive characters now have a single 'Use the Force' skill, which allows them to do a number of things such as moving small objects and searching their feelings. Force Powers are special abilities such as Force Choke or Move Object that form a 'suite' of powers, similar to a hand of cards, which are used up, and recharge between encounters; all Force Powers involve a 'Use the Force' skill check, and a greater margin of success on the check will produce a stronger effect. Force users can also select Talents related to the Force, and prestige classes grant Force Techniques and Force Secrets which further improve their ability to use the Force.
  • The game includes an optional Destiny system. Characters receive 'Destiny Points' which are more powerful than Force Points. They allow such things as scoring an automatic critical hit without rolling, gaining 3 Force Points, or automatically succeeding at a virtually impossible task. Destiny Points are used to help characters with a predetermined fate (usually determined during character creation) eventually fulfill their specific overarching goal.
  • The character class Attack Bonus progressions no longer allow for multiple attacks during a full-round action. Instead, a character wielding a single weapon must pick the new 'Double Attack' feat (for one extra attack) and 'Triple Attack' feat (for two extra attacks), but both incurring significant attack roll penalties uniformly to all attacks that turn. Multiple attacks are, in general, less common, streamlining and speeding up combat turns.
  • Rules and stats for NPCs have been refined. There is only one non-heroic class for NPC characters. They do not get heroic Defense bonuses, their Hit Points are limited to 1d4 + Con bonus per level (and they do not receive triple maximum starting hit points at first level), they receive less ability score increases for every four levels they have, and they get only the feats granted by gaining levels; non-heroic characters do not gain Talents. Non-sentient creatures in the game use the 'Beast' class and gain 1d8 + Con hit points per level.
  • Many minor bonuses have been eliminated. Alien races and classes now rarely grant bonuses to skill checks; instead they often allow a reroll of the check under particular circumstances.

Saga Releases[edit]

The following books were released:

Star Wars: Roleplaying Game - Saga Edition Core RulebookJune 2007288ISBN978-0-7869-4356-2
Starships of the Galaxy (Saga Edition)December 2007160ISBN978-0-7869-4823-9
Galaxy TilesJan 2008ISBN978-0-7869-4744-7
Threats of the GalaxyMay 2008160ISBN978-0-7869-4781-2
Star Wars Gamemaster ScreenJune 2008ISBN978-0-7869-4936-6
Knights of the Old Republic Campaign GuideAugust 2008224ISBN978-0-7869-4923-6
The Force Unleashed Campaign GuideSeptember 2008224ISBN978-0-7869-4743-0
Scum and VillainyNovember 2008244ISBN978-0-7869-5035-5
The Clone Wars Campaign GuideJanuary 2009224ISBN978-0-7869-4999-1
Legacy Era Campaign GuideMarch 2009224ISBN978-0-7869-5051-5
Jedi Academy Training ManualMay 2009160ISBN978-0-7869-5183-3
Rebellion Era Campaign GuideJuly 2009224ISBN978-0-7869-4983-0
Galaxy at WarSeptember 2009224ISBN978-0-7869-5221-2
Scavenger's Guide to DroidsNovember 2009160ISBN978-0-7869-5230-4
Galaxy of IntrigueJanuary 2010224ISBN978-0-7869-5400-1
The Unknown RegionsApril 2010224ISBN978-0-7869-5399-8

The Core Rulebook exists as an original and as a revised printing.

On January 28, 2010, Wizards of the Coast announced on their website that they would not be renewing their license to produce Star Wars products for their roleplaying and miniature gaming lines. Their license ended in May 2010.


Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition won the Gold ENnie Awards for Best Game, Best d20/OGL Product, and Best Rules, and the Silver award for Product of the Year.[2]


  1. ^Kenson, Stephen (June 2000). 'ProFiles: Andy Collins'. Dragon. Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast (#272): 18–19.
  2. ^2008 ENnie Awards

External links[edit]

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