Emcee Script For Annual Party


As a professional emcee for AT&T, Best Buy, Microsoft and others, I’ve learned over many years and events that a great emcee performance starts with a great emcee script. Here are six key components good emcee scripts include, and many not-so-good emcee scripts leave out. Introducing your Emcee for the evening, let’s give a big welcome to Mr. Keith McCord, KSL News anchor and Reporter and emcee extraordinaire.” 4:01. Opening Remarks “ Keith McCord (per script) Wireless or podium microphone? Includes recognition of workers, sponsors, etc.

Sample Welcome Speech -
Let the Party Begin

A sample welcome speech - one less thing to worry about as you plan your amazing party celebration!

Your guests will expect a welcome speech and they will be pleasantly surprised... and grateful... if you focus on the quality and not the quantity of your words.

So, prepare a simple, short and effective welcome wish - and then focus on planning all the other great party celebrations - music, excellent food, creative decor, dress code and the theme!

A warm welcome - done!

Let's party!


Good Evening,

A warm word of welcome to everyone tonight as we celebrate [insert event or occasion].

Tonight is a exceptional evening - I am so glad that so many special people have been able to join us this evening.

As, always, to absent friends - we still miss you.

But, tonight is all about celebrating!


It brings to mind the all too true words, that at times, we should 'dance like no-one is watching'!

And tonight is one of those nights!

Let's capture some magical moments, let's create happy memories and let's surround ourselves with laughter and friendship as we celebrate this special occasion.

Have fun, thank you for joining us and go on…dance a little...like no one is watching!

An example of a welcome speech for a party - short, to the point and most importantly... welcoming!

Return from Sample Welcome Speech to Words of Wisdom

A Warm Welcome Speech for A New Year

MC Script – Benefit Dinner

TIME 6:10pm

Welcome Remarks

Ben : Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Kimochi SM 3rd Annual Benefit Dinner. My name is Ben N., Kimochi Board Member since 1971 when the organization was first established over 40 years ago. As you can imagine, being with Kimochi since its inception and seeing firsthand the success it has achieved in helping thousands of people over the years, it is with profound honor to be here tonight and host this event with an esteemed Bay Area community member. You may recognize her from TV, having anchored and reported the news in the Bay Area for 30 years – Wendy T.

Motions for Wendy*

Wendy : Thank you, Ben.

Wendy : Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I would like to also welcome everyone to the benefit dinner and express my gratitude to Kimochi for inviting me to co-host tonight’s event. It is an honor to contribute to an extraordinary cause such as this one. My history with Kimochi began over 30 years ago when I hosted their Sansei Live event to raise money for their programs and services in San Francisco, so it is with great pleasure to continue to support Kimochi as they expand their services to help more seniors and their caregivers in the Bay Area.

Wendy : First, we would like to extend our thanks to SM Buddhist Temple Taiko for their wonderful performance. Taiko drumming has a long history in Japan, providing rhythm for sacred rituals and festivals. Their opening for the program really sets the tone for a great celebration tonight.

Wendy : We would also like to acknowledge Michael C., President of the College of San Mateo, for donating the use of this beautiful venue for the benefit dinner. He is a great supporter of Kimochi’s mission and has been pivotal in the organization’s introduction to the San Mateo community.

Wendy : At this time, please welcome Paul Chen, long-time supporter and Kimochi Chairperson, to the stage for a few words.

Paul Chen makes welcome remarks.

KSM Background and Announcement

Wendy : Thank you, Paul. Please everyone, for those who haven’t started, help yourselves to the salads and bread, while we continue with the program.

Introduce special guests depending on when/if they arrive. Anna/Jessica will give names as they arrive.

Ben : Kimochi began as a simple commitment to the first generation Japanese American- Issei back in 1971, and has since evolved into a nationally recognized community service organization committed to helping seniors live with dignity and independence. Over the years as Kimochi San Francisco continued to grow, we began to recognize the increasing need for support in the Peninsula. In response to that need, Kimochi purchased a building in San Mateo in 2012 and established the SM Capital Campaign, an undertaking to raise money for the building renovation and equipment. It has been a 3-year battle, but we are thrilled to confirm that Kimochi SM will be opening its doors in December 2015!

Ben : For their tireless work and dedication, we would like to acknowledge the SM Capital Campaign Committee: Honorary Co-Chair Steve O. and Co-Chairs Sandy M. and John N.

Ask for Steve, Sandy and John to stand up.

Wendy : Without their invaluable insight, commitment, and leadership the immense progress we have made in the campaign thus far would not be possible. We extend our deepest gratitude to the committee members. Clap* Throughout the night we will be speaking to you more about the SM Capital Campaign and the progress of the renovation of Kimochi SM.

Ben : An important part of our Capital Campaign is our Founder’s Wall of Giving. Please turn your attention to the monitors – there you will find further information about Kimochi SM, in addition to the recognition of our generous donors who have given $2500 or more to the capital campaign. These donors are also being recognized on the Founders Wall of Giving, a display that will be prominently featured in the new building after renovations are completed. We thank our donors tonight for their unwavering support. It is with the coming-together of hundreds of members in the community that has led to the achievement of our new senior care facility, Kimochi San Mateo. There is no role, no donation too big or small in this campaign, because it is only with the collaboration of everyone that we can achieve this goal together.

Support Opportunities : Raffle & Auction

Wendy : The capital campaign is not over yet. We have raised $1.8 of a $2.5 million goal and the mission of tonight’s event is to further diminish that gap. There will be many opportunities tonight to contribute to the campaign. Our volunteers are here selling raffle tickets. The grand prize is a Vizio 48” flat screen tv, generously donated by All Natural Stone. In addition, there will be other exciting raffle prizes. Please raise your hands up high if you would like to purchase a ticket!

Wendy : If you haven’t already, please take a look at the silent auction table. We have some great items and gift baskets up for bid. Bids will be accepted only until 7:15, so hurry over when you get the chance! Later in the evening at 8:00, we will be also be holding a live auction – please refer to your program booklet for descriptions of the items and the bidding rules and procedures. Keep in mind, you can bid on an item together with friends, so prepare in advance! We encourage everyone to participate in tonight’s activities! All proceeds will go towards the capital campaign and will bring us closer to completing the SM senior care facility.

Ben : We also want to take the time to humbly thank our major sponsors tonight: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, American Reality & Construction Inc., Shig & Sumi H. and Sneider, Sullivan & O’Connell’s Funeral Home. Thank you to these wonderful sponsors for their commitment to the community and its seniors!

Please everyone enjoy your dinner! We will be back!

TIME 6:30pm

Main Course is served.

Announcement- BY STAFF

Hello everyone! We interrupt your dinner to announce that the silent auction will be closing in 15 minutes. Please place or check your final bids before it ends. Thank you so much!

TIME 7:15pm

Silent Auction

Wendy : Ladies and gentlemen, the silent auction is now closed. The winners will be listed on sheets that will be distributed to each table. Please check the sheets for your name and head over to the silent auction tables to make your payment and pick up your prize at the end of the night. A big thank you to Co-Chairs Diana O. and Marcella Y. for doing a fabulous job in organizing the silent auction and creating the beautiful gift baskets!

KSM Presentation

Ben : Everyone, please welcome Steve I. to the stage for an update on the progress of the SM facility. He is Kimochi’s Associate Director and Lead Staff of the Kimochi SM Project. He has been the driving force these three years in the construction and renovation of the SM building, working tirelessly in preparation of our opening.

Steve makes presentation.

Wendy, Benh & Steve to remain on stage after presentation.

TIME 7:30pm

Kagami Biraki – Cast Breaking Ceremony

Wendy : Thank you, Steve for the very informative presentation. At this time, please welcome Steve O., Sandy, John, Paul and Steve N. to the stage for the kagami-biraki, or otherwise known as the sake barrel breaking ceremony.

While the Group puts on the happi coats say the following:

Holiday Party Emcee Script

Ben : The kagami-biraki is a Japanese tradition that dates back over a thousand years to celebrate momentous occasions such as tonight. The breaking of the sake barrel symbolizes the start of a new journey, bringing with it the blessings of happiness, health and prosperity. And we are indeed starting a new journey, as Kimochi SM is set to open its doors by the end of this year.

The Steve Nakajo & Sandy to break open the top of the cask, Benh to say 1,2,3 and photos are taken


Wendy to make small talk while sake is being served to guests and then make the toast and say Kampai!*

Sandy and John makes announcement on Founder’s Wall.

TIME 8:00pm

Live Auction

Ben : Ladies and gentlemen, we will now be starting the live auction and request for Paul to join us on stage as an auctioneer. Going over the rules outlined in the program: To enter a bid, please hold up the uchiwa until we, or one of the spotters, see you. You can find the fans on each of your tables. Please hold up your uchiwa high, so we can spot you. Okay everyone, let’s begin!

After Live Auction, Closing Remarks

Emcee Script For Annual Party Favors

Wendy : Thank you to everyone who participated! Now wasn’t that fun! Now we would like to introduce Steve N., Executive Director of Kimochi, Inc.

Words of appreciation from Steve N.

Ben : Once again, we express our deepest gratitude for the generosity we witnessed tonight. It is simply astounding what a group of people can do to enact positive changes in a community to support those who need it the most, our seniors and their families.

Wendy : It has been an honor to be here tonight to host a joyous occasion for a great cause. Thank you for being here and thank you for helping to celebrate a new beginning for our organization!


Ben : Just a reminder for auction winners to collect and pay for your items before leaving! If you haven’t please check the silent auction winner sheet for your name. Thank you everyone for coming!